The implementation of sound quantitative risk models is a vital concern for all financial institutions, and this trend has accelerated in recent years with regulatory processes such as Basel II. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical concepts and modelling techniques of quantitative risk management and equips readers--whether financial risk analysts, actuaries, regulators, or students of quantitative finance--with practical tools to solve real-world problems. The authors cover methods for market, credit, and operational risk modelling; place standard industry approaches on a more formal footing; and describe recent developments that go beyond, and address main deficiencies of, current practice. The book's methodology draws on diverse quantitative disciplines, from mathematical finance through statistics and econometrics to actuarial mathematics. Main concepts discussed include loss distributions, risk measures, and risk aggregation and allocation principles. A main theme is the need to satisfactorily address extreme outcomes and the dependence of key risk drivers. The techniques required derive from multivariate statistical analysis, financial time series modelling, copulas, and extreme value theory. A more technical chapter addresses credit derivatives. Based on courses taught to masters students and professionals, this book is a unique and fundamental reference that is set to become a standard in the field. Reviews: "Quantitative Risk Managment can be highly recommended to anyone looking for an excellent survey of the most important techniques and tools used in this rapidly growing field."--Holger Drees, Risk "This book provides a state-of-the-art discussion of the three main categories of risk in financial markets, market risk, . . . credit risk . . . and operational risk. . . . This is a high level, but well-written treatment, rigorous (sometimes succinct), complete with theorems and proofs."--D.L. McLeish, Short Book Reviews of the International Statistical Institute "Quantitative Risk Management is highly recommended for financial regulators. The statistical and mathematical tools facilitate a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a useful range of advanced risk-management concepts and models, while the focus on aggregate risk enhances the publication's value to banking and insurance supervisors."--Hans Blommestein, The Financial Regulator "A great summary of the latest techniques available within quantitative risk measurement. . . . [I]t is an excellent text to have on the shelf as a reference when your day job covers the whole spectrum of quantitative techniques in risk management."--Financial Engineering News "Alexander McNeil, Rudiger Frey and Paul Embrechts have written a beautiful book. . . . [T]here is no book that can provide the type of rigorous, detailed, well balanced and relevant coverage of quantitative risk management topics that Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Tools offers. . . . I believe that this work may become the book on quantitative risk management. . . . [N]o book that I know of can provide better guidance."--Dr. Riccardo Rebonato, Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP)
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